We are Trayon’s watchdog. Trayvon is us. Tryvon is my dark skinned daughter who many
believe to be ignorant, unrefined, “ghetto,” as if they know the ghetto, and
belligerent because of the color of her skin before she speaks or acts, sans
hoodie and even many times afterward despite the contrary evidence. Trayvon is
every middle-classed Black person discounted as naturally knowledgeable (I
worked for my degree and any knowledge I may have amassed like you worked for
yours, don’t get it twisted) and exotic by many liberal white folk who sadly
truly believe they are color-blind though the be far from it. These are the ignorant that demand our
attention. Trayvon is every Black person ostracized and put in a box by her or
his “own” Black folk for being too White, too educated, too articulate, this is
the ghetto mind as opposed to saggin and gangsta rap. God forbid Black folk should like European classical music
and art, Carly Simon, even Tracy Chapman or Frank Sinatra, eat Beef Wellington
and know what the heck Vichyssoise is. (Did I spell that correctly?) What is Black anyhow? Trayvon is me. And if you are not dark skinned know that by extension
Trayvon is even you, you better recognize… It’s almost too late.
![]() |
Men in Black |
The unavoidable context of this case
is why it is so huge.
Until we are able to put race behind us as a nation we will never be able to
exact justice for all; that goes for gender identification, gender preference
and a host of other death receiving societal brunts of injustices.
I read Mano Singham's post concerning the Trayvon Martin
case and there is good advice in it. .
I think also Dr. Singham, even though dark skinned, speaks as one who
does not realize what is at stake, as one who, perhaps as Skip Gates once felt,
feels insulated from injustice and microcosmic prejudice in an American justice
system. Read his wellthought out blog here.
In diversity
training I rely on Daniel Kahneman's research, who Dr. Singham mentions, to
explain the necessity of prejudice, the unavoidability of it and how to
overcome it, which harkens to what is called system one and system two in his
We cannot remain silent until all the facts are in.
All the facts have to be wrenched from the grasps of certain gatekeepers with no light assertion of force through public outcry.
Concerning not jumping to conclusions
because all the facts aren’t out, it has been a month, many of us noted this
and put it on the back burner until now. The facts are still not out and
in fact I believe the family had to sue under the public info act to get the
911 calls release by law enforcement officials.
ADHD and the Media
Dr. Singham mentioned the short media attention in America
that is so true, mentioning the Kony endeavor as the most recent.
Personally I'm trying not to let it and other things in the media, die to media
ADHD, which is greatly due to our, the public’s short attention span.
Because media memory is so short this particular event,
Trayvon's death cannot wait for all the facts given the legal system injustices
and its propensity for surreptitiously hiding the facts, which are commonplace
to say the least.
Justice- "You go down there looking for justice; that's what you find: just us."- Richard Pryor
It is a truism that had the color/race been reversed a Black
Mr. Zimmerman would have been handcuffed and taken to jail even if there was
less a preponderance of evidence than currently exists, and not released just
because he said he was defending
himself. A Black Mr. Zimmerman would have undoubtedly been searched on
the spot, tested for alcohol, taken and tested for drugs, detained for further
questioning and so on. This is at the crux of the public outcry more so
than if Trayvon was profiled and unjustly killed.
A point is that he
is profiled and unjustly accused hundreds of times a day, everyday without
recourse because of the color of his skin. Many know the arrest and
release stats and the "who is in prison stats,' better than I. Fifty years of research has come to no
other conclusion than skin color to explain the gross disparities and
inequalities in the legal system where people of color are concerned.
In the rape case of the "Central Park Jogger,"
that Dr. Singham notes, Trisha Mieli was raped in 1989 but "all the
facts" didn't come out until 2002 when the real culprit, a White looking,
curly haired Hispanic and serial rapist, Matias Reyes confessed to the crime
and his DNA corroborated his testimony.
Perhaps had that
incident and consequent railroading of five Black youths, garnered as much
attention as Trayvon Martin’s murder those innocent, young, Black boys, who
spent the majority of their youth wrongfully accused in jail would not have
been incarcerated. Thirteen years is a long time to be incarcerated awaiting
the facts especially when you are fifteen. If one reads the case, one will see that all the facts did
not come out because, as so, so often is the case the police were not looking
for the facts once they had identified the 'usual suspects.'
In the Trayvon Martin case, I think many people are coming
from a point of view that the legal system and law enforcement officials have
proved ad nauseum that they are not worthy of the public's trust and confidence
to serve justice and many would rather err on the side of being loud, vocal and
wrong than to let the system, "do what it do one mo’ ‘gin,” which to many of us is nothing less than
emasculation, decimation and genocide of dark skinned people, especially its
men. It seems thus far Florida law
enforcement officials are living up to this very low standard.
If you say the lie long enough it becomes the truth
We are now being asked to believe that a man with a gun in
his hand was accosted by a boy and then screamed out, “help help me!” (there is
absolutely no credible reason, beyond a supposed insanity of Mr. Zimmerman to
believe he would carry a gun, follow someone, put himself in danger, and not
have his gun drawn.) It is no
surprise many are screaming, “Emmitt Till” all over again.
A comparison of the statements in the Central Park Jogger
case reveals troubling discrepancies. ... The accounts given by the five
defendants differed from one another on the specific details of virtually every
major aspect of the crime — who initiated the attack, who knocked the victim
down, who undressed her, who struck her, who held her, who raped her, what
weapons were used in the course of the assault, and when in the sequence of
events the attack took place. ... In many other respects the defendants'
statements were not corroborated by, consistent with, or explanatory of
objective, independent evidence. And some of what they said was simply contrary
to established fact.
If this were the exception not the rule the Trayvon
injustice would be garnering far less attention, however it is not.
1 comment:
Shalom Cav,
What was George Zimmerman so afraid of that he felt a need to walk the streets of his gated community with a loaded weapon?
What is America so afraid of that we feel a need to spend more of our tax dollars on our military than most of the other nations of the world combined?
When did our land of the free and the home of the brave become a land of the subdued and the home of the terrified?
When I was a child adults warned me away from dangers with tales of monsters and wild beasts, but as a man I ought to know the reality of dangers and deal with them in a rational manner; not allow myself to be so frightened that I lash out with deadly force at every snapping twig or skittering shadow.
Race is a human construct exploited by the tiniest of minorities made up of powerful individuals that could not hope to maintain power if We The People stopped being afraid of each other and saw the reality of the true threat to our lives, liberty and happiness.
I do not have the answers. I do not know how to convince those around me that we must pay attention to and hold him up to ridicule for the pitiful little man he is. I do not know how to make my fellow citizens see that all the booming voices, swirling smoke and promises of impending doom are merely so much wind.
There was a time when I held great hope for our generation, but for too many, comfort trumped justice. Tomorrow I will have the opportunity to break bread with several members of the generation that follows us when I take dinner down to the Occupy Cleveland tent on Public Square. These young men and women, at least, are not yet afraid, or perhaps they are too ignorant or have so little to lose that fear holds no sting for them. That will be one of the questions I put to them as I attempt to learn.
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