First Law:
· A Situation, Policy, Object, Dilemma, Train Of Thought, or Malaise, (SPODTOTOM)
· [Which is] at rest remains at rest until acted upon by a force.
· A SPODTOTOM [which is] in motion continues moving in a straight line at constant velocity until acted upon by a force.
Also called "Law of Inertia"
Accelerated motion
Newton's Second Law:
F = ma
Acceleration of a SPODTOTOM is directly proportional to the net force acting on the SPODTOTOM and inversely proportional to its mass. Translation: the more force you apply to a, SPODTOTOM over time the quicker the SPODTOTOM will move or change. The bigger the SPODTOTOM the slower the change.
Newton's Third Law:
Whenever one SPODTOTOM exerts a force on a second SPODTOTOM, the second SPODTOTOM exerts an equal and opposite force on the first.